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- Grinding My Way Through the NBA G-League
Grinding My Way Through the NBA G-League
In 2003, I signed a contract with the Roanoke Dazzle of the NBA G-League. Three years later, I was still chasing that elusive NBA dream. My time in the G-League was filled with highs, lows, and countless lessons. Here's a look at what it's really like to live and play in the G-League.

Signing that contract in 2003 was a dream come true. I had defied the odds, being drafted in the 8th round of a ten round draft, with only 3 roster spots available, but it came with an eye opening reality…about 200 G-League players were fighting for a few precious spots in the NBA. What made it even more unique was that my fiercest competitors were also my closest friends and, in my case, my own brother.
This created an interesting dynamic as you spend more time with your teammates than with anyone else. They become your family, sharing the same dreams and facing the same challenges.
The bonds formed with these teammates was one of the most rewarding aspects of the G-League. These are the people who understand your journey and share your struggles. The friendships I made in the G-League continue to this day.
We bonded over many things, mainly the shared NBA dream. We endured late-night bus rides and insanely tough practices, which sometimes drew the anger from teammates who had experienced life in the NBA, where practices are light. At this level, it was all about developing, which is why we were constantly tested. This brotherhood made the journey worthwhile.
But the path was also remarkably stressful. While I was excited for my teammates who received their NBA shot, I never received mine. In 2005 after a showcase event, I had a workout with an NBA team. It was me and two other guys. I was at my best, and unfortunately, that was not good enough. I remember the call from my agent. I had been waiting all day to see if I was the one selected.
Based on my workout, I convinced myself it was me. I envisioned putting on that NBA jersey and taking the floor. He informed me that they had gone with someone else. I was gutted. I had to go to practice the following day knowing that I was deemed not good enough. It was incredibly humbling.
Coming out of college, I was the star, but in the G-League, I was just one of many talented athletes. Everyone there was a standout on their previous teams. The competition was fierce and, like me, many never made it to the NBA
Every practice was an audition. Every game was a chance to prove myself. The schedule was relentless, and I was mentally and physically checked day in and day out. But that pressure made me stronger. I developed resiliency that continues to serve me well.
Despite the challenges, I was given every opportunity to reach my potential. Organizations invest millions in developing their G-League players, providing resources such as:
- Coaches: Skilled mentors who are committed to making you better.
- Technology: Advanced tools to analyze and improve your game.
- Knowledge and Support: Access to a wealth of information and a strong support system.
These resources were valuable, but the real lessons came from those tough moments on the court. Missing a big shot or being outplayed, made me reflect and bust my ass to avoid ever having to deal with that kind of emotional turmoil again.
My body hurt more often than not. Playing basketball at a high level takes a physical toll. Injuries and soreness become part of your daily life, and it was certainly not about the money.
When I signed my very first pro contract, it was for $12,000, most likely less than the security guard working our games, but it kept me focused on the dream rather than the paycheck. With that small amount of money came expectations, and my passion for a game turned into a profession. The best players managed to keep the fun alive amid the grind, but it’s not always easy. You need to take a step back and look at the little things along the way.
The G-League takes you to places you never imagined. I found myself in Roanoke, VA, a place I never would have known without basketball. I was introduced to small-town America, playing in arenas that were far from the glitz and glam of the NBA. I played in front of smaller crowds than the ones I had in middle school and interacted with fans, even attending a young fan's birthday party, knowing it would lead to a free meal.
Looking back, I wouldn’t trade my time in the G-League for anything. It prepared me for life in ways I couldn’t have imagined. It taught me about passion, and how far I was willing to go for a dream.
Ultimately, it taught me that the journey is just as important as the destination. Each step added to my story and shaped who I was. The pursuit of an NBA career is filled with highs and lows, but the journey...that is the good shit.
If there's one thing I hope to convey to aspiring players, it's this…Appreciate the moment! It’s easy to complain about the negatives, but remember that the journey is just as important as the destination. Deal with the grind and learn from the setbacks. The future is bright IF you retain that passion.
The G-League is a proving ground. It’s where you build the foundation for your future. It’s not just about making it to the NBA…it’s about becoming the best version of yourself along the way.
Keep chasing your dreams. The G-League is just the beginning of an incredible journey that awaits you. The best is yet to come.